3 comments on “April Western Atlantic Storm-Force Low & Sea Spray RGB

  1. Great blog. Was this used at all to add valuable information to mariners? Is there a way to graphically depict sea spray observed conditions so valuable IDSS can be provided to mariners?

  2. Great blog! How is NWS using this to provide value added IDSS in graphical form to mariners or is sea spray assumed when you have a STORM force low over the ocean? I would assume that quadrant highlights for sea spray could be beneficial. Is there any sort of sea spray alert that can be triggered using the GOES sea-spray RGB imagery?

    • Hi Dave, the Sea Spray RGB is new and has yet to be infused in OPC operations. The OPC issues Heavy Freezing Spray Warnings and indicates Heavy Freezing Spray on its surface analysis charts. The OPC can also indicate fog on its 24 hour surface forecast charts and put mention of fog and visibility in its text forecasts. You make a great point in finding ways to graphically depict sea spray observed conditions and highlighting quadrants for sea spray and issuing alerts. I’ll make sure to pass along your notes to OPC as we find innovative ways to use the Sea Spray RGB. Thank you!

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